Serving on the BRCT Board

The Blueskin Resilient Communities Trust aims to make a difference for the communities of the Blueskin Bay area. The BRCT board draws representation from these communities to ensure that it stays connected to the people of the district. Board members are elected at irregular intervals. The Trust tries to maintain experience and knowledge and ensures a wide representation. BRCT is on the look-out for people interested in serving on the Trust and advertises in the Blueskin News. New Board members are elected by the existing Board to bring skills, knowledge, governance experience and passion in line with BRCT's vision, mission, objectives and values. The mix of Trustees gives the depth and breadth needed to make well-informed decisions for the future of the organisation and of the Blueskin community. If you are interested in serving our community via BRCT, contact [email protected] with "Serving on the Board" in the subject line.